

Made to go where standard displays can’t

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Motorized Screen

Levitating Motorized Screen

Zero-G re-imagines standard motorized screens and deploys a “levitating” image exactly where you want it.

Congregation Shalom Zero-G
Designed for Architecture

With no black mask, Zero-G can deploy farther than standard motorized screens, up to 16-feet. The result is a pleasing, distraction free viewing experience.

Where Standard Displays Can’t Go

Suspended in mid-air, Zero-G exists in areas impossible for standard displays, maintaining the room orientation intended by the designer.

Simple Design

Zero-G is simple and smooth with features such as removable PCB and lift tubes, pre-programmed doors (flush unit only), and automatic upper limits.

Slide background
Slide background
Slide background

The Zero-G has transitioned from DCT motors to RS485 motors. For additional details, please refer to our updated instructions.
Please use our screen builder or consult with your system designer for an official specification drawing. Screen materials may expand and contract slightly over time. SI allows a 1.5% tolerance within the viewing surface.


Somfy® RS485 Motor


Min: 80″ (2032mm)
Max: 160″ (4064mm)

Available in standard sizes only. All dimensions are listed as seamless. Please go to our Screen Builder tool to see other standard sizes at

Aspect Ratios


Cord Colors

White | Black

Installation | Adjustment

Maximum drop of 7.9′ depending on screen size.

Material roll pre-installed from the factory.**

Removable upper motor lift tube with single pin release.

PCB is slide removable from the case.

Flush doors are pre-programmed from the factory.

Automatic upper limit by optical sensor.

** Applies only if case and material roll/motor assembly are shipped together (optional).

Case Specifications

Flush or external configuration.

Black or white color options for external case.

Top side recessed electrical control cable access.

Optional separated shipping for case and material roll/motor assembly.

Safety clips on external fascia.

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Gain ALR Acoustic Material
1.2 65 No Slate 1.2
Gain ALR Acoustic Material
1.3 10 No Pure White
Gain ALR Acoustic Material
0.85 15 No Pure Gray